Introducing GhostWriter

Unlock your creativity with GhostWriter, our AI writing assistant.

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Our Approach

AI-Powered Writing Assistance

We provide cutting-edge AI writing assistants to help you at every stage of the creative process. Our tools can help you organize your thoughts, write detailed outlines, expand on story ideas, and produce high-quality drafts.


Generate intriguing premises, events, characters, and settings to kickstart your story.


Develop comprehensive scene-by-scene outlines to build the framework for your story.


Produce complete first drafts by expanding on your outlines scene-by-scene.

What We Do

Our advanced AI tools help you brainstorm ideas, develop characters, and write amazing stories. Let your imagination flow!

BrainDump GPT

I brainstorm and organize story ideas into structured events, world facts, and character outlines.

ChatGPT 4 Ollama
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Synopsis GPT

I craft synopses from brainstormed ideas.

ChatGPT 4 Ollama
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Character GPT

Crafting rich character bios and backstories from plot outlines, with MBTI profiles, motivations, and visual details.

ChatGPT 4 Ollama
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Outline GPT

I transform synopses into detailed plot outlines with story arcs and plot progression.

ChatGPT 4 Ollama
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StoryBeats GPT

I generate detailed story beats for each chapter based on provided character, outline, and synopsis info.

ChatGPT 4 Ollama
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DraftProse GPT

I transform your story ideas into vivid 200-300-word story beats, focusing on narrative depth and character motivations.

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FinalProse GPT

Expert fiction polisher for turning drafts into captivating prose.

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Editor GPT

Expert novel editor: provides detailed, constructive feedback with markdown editing.

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Artist GPT

I transform text passages into concept art using Dall-E, focusing on story elements and artistic style.

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AI-Powered Writing Assistance

Embarking on a creative writing journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. To aid writers in navigating the complexities of crafting compelling narratives, a suite of specialized AI writing tools has been designed, each focusing on different aspects of the writing process. This workflow provides a systematic approach to developing a story, from initial brainstorming to the final touches of editing and visualization. It guides writers through various stages: ideation, structuring, character development, chapter planning, writing, refining, and visualizing. Each tool in the suite is tailored to address specific needs, ensuring that writers can focus on unleashing their creativity while being supported by AI-driven insights and suggestions. This process not only streamlines the creative workflow but also enhances the depth and quality of the storytelling, making it an invaluable asset for writers of all levels.

1. Start with BrainDump

Purpose: For brainstorming and organizing initial story ideas.

Process: Define writing parameters (style, genre, perspective), input initial ideas, and receive a structured brainstorm including plot points, world-building elements, and character outlines.

Outcome: A coherent list of ideas to form the foundation of your story.

2. Proceed to Synopsis

Purpose: To create a concise summary of your story.

Process: Input brainstormed ideas, request a synopsis, review the draft, and revise as needed.

Outcome: A well-structured synopsis that captures the essence of your story.

3. Develop Characters

Purpose: To create detailed character profiles and backstories.

Process: Provide essential character information and story context, collaborate on character development, and visualize characters (optionally using Dall-E).

Outcome: In-depth character profiles that align with your narrative.

4. Craft an Outline

Purpose: To develop a detailed and structured plot outline.

Process: Share story synopsis, brainstorm additional ideas, choose a story structure, and receive a detailed act and chapter outline.

Outcome: A comprehensive plot outline with major plot points and character arcs.

5. Refine Story Beats

Purpose: To detail story beats for each chapter.

Process: Use character bios and story outlines, specify chapters, and iterate based on feedback.

Outcome: Detailed and coherent story beats for each chapter.

6. Write Draft Prose

Purpose: For crafting novel chapters.

Process: Prepare story elements, define writing style, communicate chapter details, and refine based on feedback.

Outcome: Well-written chapters that align with your story’s vision.

7. Writer Final Prose

Purpose: To refine and enhance story details.

Process: Submit story elements and focus areas, collaborate with the AI, and refine.

Outcome: A dynamic and engaging narrative with improved action, dialogue, and sensory details.

8. Edit and Polish

Purpose: For final editing and polishing of the story.

Process: Prepare draft, work in beats, submit for editing, and iterate based on feedback.

Outcome: A polished and coherent final draft with consistent style and character portrayal.

9. Visualize with Art

Purpose: To create visual representations of scenes and characters.

Process: Provide detailed descriptions, specify style and genre, incorporate story elements, and collaborate on visualizations.

Outcome: Concept art that brings visual life to story elements.

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